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Are you on here just to have SL sex and make L$?

Hey Lovelies!

So here lately, I've been asked if all I care about is having sex in SL and making L$. Yes, and no.

I do work as a strip tease, dancer, and host at two different clubs because I really do want to make a living from what I do, however, I don't have sex on SL. If I do, I'm a consenting adult in SL and in RL, so it shouldn't matter. BUT, that doesn't mean that I have sex all the damn time, because it's been awhile since I've been intimate with someone in SL. My main focus is making friends, meeting new people, exploring, and establishing myself with clients because I take work seriously. Some people think of SL as a game even though it isn't. A game has clear objectives, points, and winners/losers, where unless you are playing games through Madpeas, no, SL is not a game.

My time on SL varies everyday. Some days I focus a lot on work and making L$, while other days I'm just hanging out and chilling with friends or going to clubs for some great tunes! It's not all about sex and L$.

I was also talking to one of my friends, and they told me that some people that do go into the sex business gets wrapped up into it and ends up seeing every person as a walking L$ sign, which is not what I want to do. You CAN make money on SL, but you have to remember that there's more to SL than making L$. I guess I get really into things that could possibly make me RL money because I'm facing homelessness in RL which is scary.

I don't want to lose myself so much that I don't spend any time with my friends and family in SL or RL because they do mean so much to me. Without them, I wouldn't be here, and I wouldn't be able to turn to anyone in my time of need. I love them so much and they don't know how much I do, and how much they help me.

So no, I'm not here just for sex, though I might get into escorting, but that will be my decision, and my decision alone, and no, I'm not here just for L$. That's a perk! He he!

Anyways, I needed to get that off my chest and I hope you all have a great rest of your day!

Until next time,



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